Ender Pearl TP

Cost some ender pearls to teleport to anywhere!


Installation command

!!MCDR plugin install ender_pearl_tp

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Ender Pearl TP-MCDR

Cost some ender pearls to teleport to anywhere, a xyz position, or someone.

This plugin may works fine in the server MCDR supported.


Use !!etp <player_name> to teleport to someone.

Use !!etp pos <x> <y> <z> to teleport to a xyz-like position.

Use !!etp back to teleport back with no refunds of ender pearls you cost.


Server owners set "cost" to a integer num in config/ender_pearl_tp/config.json to decide how many ender pearls players should cost to teleport where they want.

Default "cost" is 4.

Introduction source: README.md