LBS Velocity Handler

Better Velocity server handler


Installation command

!!MCDR plugin install lbs_velocity_handler

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LBS Velocity Handler

An enhanced velocity handler

Basic Features

  1. Allow MCDR to handle player chat, player chat log line format can be configured in config

  2. Allow ignoring or replace chat message with specified prefixes



mcdreforged >= 2.13.0-alpha.1


  1. Place this plugin in your MCDR plugin directory
  2. Install some Velocity plugin to print player chat to Velocity console, such as VelocityMCDRCommand
  3. Start MCDR


Default command prefix: !!hvl (Can be configured in config file)

!!hvl reload Reload handler config


Config file path: config/lbs_velocity_handler/config.json

  1. reload_config_prefix

    Modify this plugin config prefix

    Default value: !!hvl

  2. admin_permission

    Only players has this permission level or higher can run this plugin commands

    Default_value: 4

  3. replace_prefixes_map

    Replace the prefixes defined in these keys to their corresponding values

    Default value: {"!!MCDR": "!!VMCDR", "!!VMCDR": "!!MCDR"}

    (Default value is set to avoid conflict of !!MCDR with MCDR on sub-servers)

  4. ignore_prefixes

    Chat message which starts with these values will be ignored

    Default value: Empty list

  5. player_chat_log_format

    Player chat log formats which not includes Velocity regular log prefixes

    Default value: ['[{server}] <{name}> {message}']

    (Default format is the same as the player chat log format of VelocityMCDRCommand)

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